Uneven Ground, part II – “…turn the other also.”
“Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a...

Uneven Ground, part I - “Go and do likewise”
“Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a...

I Thought I Heard...
"I thought I heard..." them say you could hear the sound of his loud and wild cornet across the river in Algiers - when he played in New...

Meandering to Memphis, part 2
After taking a more direct route home from Rhode Island, I went back to work, back to the political games of who did what, back to biding...

Memphis Magic - Honoring Charlie Burse
I’ll tell the story again and again about my search for the grave of Charlie Burse Sr. How Dr. T. DeWayne Moore, Executive Director of...

Meandering to Memphis, part 1
This is the beginning of a new project - so I'll start at the beginning - I know and respect people who plan their lives, careers, moves,...

Mississippi Mosey - "In Honor of a Camden Legacy"
When I am standing in Rose Hill Cemetery, I see a beautiful piece of ground in a gritty city. A lot of things ran through my mind while...

Meaningful Memphis - Rose Hill Project, pt 3 - "the end of the beginning."
MIFA CommUNITY Days - September 8, 2018 - The Rose Hill Crew (photo by Steve Roberts, courtesy of MIFA) It took me some years, but I...

Meaningful Memphis - Rose Hill Project, pt 2
(Leonard Dawson Jr., Pastor, Cane Creek Missionary Baptist Church) I left my job with the federal government, in part, because I spent...

Meaningful Memphis - Rose Hill Project, pt 1
I understand a little about grafting, where you grow a new tree with the trunk of one and a piece of another. I’ve even seen a tree that...

Memphis Memorial - Mothers
At times we joked about our Mother going to work outside the house for the first time after our Dad retired – before then she took care...

Memphis Memorial - "I Am a (Wo)Man!"
Every now and then I have to test myself. One hot day two years ago while waiting for the Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) bus – my...

Memphis Memorial - Mysteries
I am curious – always have been. Like many of you, throughout my careers, I have been able to solve problems. Asking the right questions...

Memphis Memorial - Wednesday's Child
On a warm August afternoon, I went looking in Rose Hill Cemetery for a landmark connected to a piece of its troubled history. Just as I...

Memphis Memorial
Some of you know I’m coordinating a beautification project at Rose Hill, an historic African-American cemetery, beautiful but abandoned...